Archive for February, 2012

February 27, 2012

ASPxNavigationBar – JavaScript when NavBarItem clicked

following code example explains how to execute a java script function when any an items in a ASPXNavbar is clicked.

<dx:ASPxNavBar ID="nbMenuSPISLeedOwners" runat="server" Width="100%" AllowSelectItem="True"
DataSourceID="SiteMapDataSource1" OnItemDataBound="ASPxNavBar1_ItemDataBound">
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Left" />
<GroupHeaderStyle HorizontalAlign="Center">
<ClientSideEvents ItemClick="OnItemClick" />

<dx:ASPxLoadingPanel ID="loadingPanel" runat="server" Text="Redirecting&amp;hellip; Please wait!"
ClientInstanceName="loadingPanel" BackColor="Pink" >

The Javascript should be as follows:

function OnItemClick(s, e) {

February 20, 2012

SQL Server 2005 Management Studio : Cannot parse script.

I was trying to run a script which i got it from our one of live server. So as usual i tried to run the scripts (file size 112 MB) which i got with the data. Ohhh what the hell, was getting the error  “Cannot parse script.” 😦

was finding a way to sort out this matter. As per that in some of the forum posts it says the SQL Server Management studio is having some limitations with the Query Parser. Just refer this post for more details.

Finally found out we can execute using the sqlcmd prompt as below:

you can find the SQLCMD.exe in the following path:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn

and after that execute the command as below:

sqlcmd -S YOURSQLSERVER\INSTANCENAME -d DataBaseName -i C:\Your Script.sql

By the way the SQLCMD also uses the usual SQL Server 2005 query parser. So it means the above mentioned error is not related to the SQL Server 2005 Parser instead its related to some bug in SQL Server 2005 Management Studio. 🙂

February 20, 2012

MCTS : Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010

Finally cleared the Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 certification.  🙂

You can download the Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 VHS from here and BizTalk EAI and EDI tutorials in MSDN. As well as you can download the BizTalk Server 2010 labs from this link.

you can find more details about how to prepare for the exam from soa thoughts blog.

February 14, 2012

ASPXPageControl tabbing problem

I Was working with the ASPXPAgeControl to dispaly some tabbed pages in the website.

Based on some user roles I had to enable/disable some tabs. There were two properties with this ASPXPageControl viz .visible property and the .clientvisible property. Initially i was playing around the .visible property and it didnt give me a proper results when i made visible=true after doing a visble =false. Hence at the time of makeing the visible true of the tabbed pages it started to show me all the hidden tabs even.

So i switched to the .clientvisible property. This was works fine, but the problem is this used to show all the tabs to the user initially and then one by one it started to hide based on the condition. anyhow this is the by default functoinality of the control.

So started to search little bit deeper into the .visible property of the control and was able to find a property named  EnableHierarchyRecreation.

If we are using the .visbile property, make sure to make the EnableHierarchyRecreation to true to make sure that you wont face a situation where i did explained above.


February 13, 2012


Was getting the above error at the time of exporting an excel file using the ASPxGridViewExporter. I had a tab control (ASPxPageControl) with some ASPxGridView controls inside all the tab pages. So using the ASPxGridViewExporter when i tried to export an excel file was battered with the following error every time when i tried to export.

Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException:  The message received from the server could not be parsed. Common causes for this error are when the response is modified by calls to Response.Write(), response filters, HttpModules, or server trace is enabled. To sort out the problem you had to register the control which triggers the postback in the page init of the page. The code as follows.

<br />
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)<br />
{<br />
RegisterPostBackControl();<br />
<p>private void RegisterPostBackControl()<br />
{<br />
ScriptManager sm = (ScriptManager)Page.Master.FindControl(&quot;MainScriptManager&quot;);<br />
sm.RegisterPostBackControl(ASPxPageControl1);<br />

please refer the KB article.

PageRequestManagerParserErrorException – what it is and how to avoid it